Customer story

"Our main driver was to find a system that would be easily reviewable and updatable – we’ve got that with HandsHQ."

Stop Clock
Training certifications & RAMS used together

Pound Stirling upward graph
Halved the time needed to create RAMS
Pound Stirling upward graph
5 teams
Training managed for five teams


FLI Structures used to create and manage its risk assessment and method statements, and training certificates, using a combination of Excel, Word, and PDFs. This was time-consuming, difficult, and open to error.

“All my RAMS were PDFs driven from Word documents,” recalls Dave Bufton, QHSE Manager at FLI Structures, “this meant that even changing a date on them was onerous and painful.”

In addition, staff training and certifications were administered using Excel spreadsheets. This was similarly onerous and painful.

"Our main driver was to find a system that would be easily reviewable and updatable – we’ve got that with HandsHQ."

Dave Bufton

QHSE Manager at FLI Structures
FLI Structures

Knowing there must be a better way, Dave began to look for a dedicated software solution to manage both their RAMS and training needs. After an online search, Dave identified two possible solutions. The first was complicated and unsuitable, but when Dave saw HandsHQ he immediately recognised how it could streamline the business’ administration and review processes.

Solution: RAMS

Dave estimates that the time taken to create RAMS has halved. He says, “We used to have to complete everything manually, and now it’s done in just a few clicks.”

“It makes it a lot easier for the people doing our RAMS,” continues Dave. “It makes it much easier for our project managers to pull the RAMS into the main method statement documentation, together with the COSHH.”

Using HandsHQ also makes the RAMS easier to review. “Being able to send the RAMS to all our stakeholders automatically saves us a huge amount of time and effort,” says Dave. “They can immediately review and sign it.”

Having delivered fantastic time savings to the business by using HandsHQ to manage its RAMS documentation, Dave decided it would be a good idea to also use HandsHQ’s training matrix software. He hoped it would deliver similar productivity improvements.

Solution: Training Register

Training Register makes the administration of training and certification much easier. Training records, evidence, and training needs analysis are all kept in one place – so you never miss another training expiry date. Automated reminders make it easier to be proactive with planning training.

“I used to use an Excel spreadsheet to manage all our training and certifications,” says Heather Miller, Training Coordinator at FLI Structures. “We have different sorts of training for different people across five teams, so it used to be difficult to see all the information. With Training Register, it’s easier to digest than a spreadsheet. Now, I can easily find the information. I dip into Training Register regularly.”

Dave agrees: “It’s much easier to use Training Register. We can see the information clearly. And the weekly emails about status – what’s expired, what’s due to expire, what’s planned – really help us. It’s a great reminder, and it makes it easier to manage.”

What’s more, because those weekly updates are shared with team leaders as well as the training and QHSE teams, the whole business has an overview of the current training status on a regular basis. Heather says, “Because it’s not just me getting the information, team leaders can take ownership of training too.”

“With Training Register, it’s easier to digest than a spreadsheet. Now, I can easily find the information... Perhaps the greatest benefit of Training Register is the close integration with our risk assessments and method statements.”

Heather Miller

Training Coordinator at FLI Structures
FLI Structures

Results: Working perfectly together

“Perhaps the greatest benefit of Training Register is the close integration with our risk assessments and method statements,” adds Heather. “The training certificates are all in the system, so the people compiling our RAMS can just pull them across. That’s the big value.”

Previously, certificates were kept in folders. Not everyone understood how to find them. Because Training Register is searchable, all staff can easily find what they need. Heather no longer needs to spend time answering queries about where to find training information or certificates.

“We can easily select individual training certificates when we write the RAMS, as opposed to finding them in a folder and having to cut and paste them – that’s a real bonus,” agrees Dave. “It saves us a lot of time.”

Integration between the two systems also eliminates the possibility of errors about training status in the RAMS documentation. Heather explains, “If someone’s training isn’t in date, that’s there too.”

Moreover, the team has also found it very easy to pull information from HandsHQ into their other business systems. They have already received positive feedback from subcontractors and rail industry auditors about their use of the systems. Both Heather and Dave say they would happily recommend HandsHQ to others.

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FLI has been designing and fabricating steel structures for over 70 years. Initially working in telecoms, FLI now serves the rail, highways, and energy markets.

With in-house design, manufacturing, project management, and installation teams, FLI develops and produces steel structures to the highest standards. Fabricating to Execution Class 4, with a defect rate below 0.01%, its Health and Safety culture has been recognised by a ROSPA Gold Award, and its systems rated “Fit For Nuclear.”

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