Risk Assessment Method Statements (RAMS)

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Less hassle

Create better RAMS in less time, anywhere and on any device, without the need for training or technical expertise.

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Improve your reputation

Professional-looking, consistent RAMS that can stand out from the competition and win you more work

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More time for other things

RAMS shouldn’t take hours and hours of formatting, copy-and-pasting

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Ease of use

Create better RAMS in less time, anywhere and on any device, without the need for training or technical expertise. Our Customer success team will onboard and assist you from day one if you have any questions or need any support.

Content library

Use the HandsHQ library of risk assessments, which covers all specialist contractor activities including electrical, plumbing, HVAC and more.

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Professional documents

Take advantage of well-structured documents that are quick and easy to read.


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Training Register

Integrate RAMS with Training Register to pull through training and competency records to your projects.

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Comprehensive Risk Assessments (RAMS) for Health and Safety 

In the realm of workplace safety, Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) hold a pivotal role in safeguarding employees, contractors, and the public from potential hazards. 

This is particularly prominent in industries like construction, where RAMS are instrumental in identifying, evaluating, and mitigating risks associated with various tasks. Understanding the legal mandates surrounding risk assessments and method statements is crucial for employers to ensure compliance with regulations, and perhaps more importantly, the safety of their people. 

The Legal Landscape of RAMS

The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) mandates that employers must protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and others from risks arising from work tasks. Furthermore, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999) necessitate documented risk assessments for employers with five or more employees. While the legislation does not demand documents are legally titled as RAMS, this comprehensive approach to include method statements, aligns with industry standards for managing workplace risks.

The Necessity of Risk Assessments

UK law mandates risk assessments to identify all foreseeable hazards and assess both the likelihood and severity of harm to workers. This process determines whether existing controls suffice or if further actions are needed.

The Role of Method Statements

While not bound by legal obligations, the role of method statements is integral within risk management. Method statements serve as a process for illustrating compliance with health and safety standards and are generally accepted as the norm in high-risk industries. They detail important safety arrangements tailored to specific tasks, highlighting safe systems of work to all those working in construction or other high-risk industries. 

Application in Various Industries: RAMS in Construction

In construction, where complex and potentially dangerous tasks demand collaboration and specialised equipment, RAMS prove invaluable. They offer a comprehensive understanding of the risks for tasks like working at height or excavations, to name just two. These documents guide safety measures for all on-site, ensuring incident prevention.

Deciphering RAMS for Health and Safety

RAMS underpin health and safety in high-risk industries, like construction. They identify and mitigate potential hazards, ensuring safety throughout projects. Some RAMS can be complicated to understand and feature such a volume of paper, that they are often ignored or misunderstood. The key to suitable and sufficient RAMS is to ensure they are simple to follow, quick to understand, and focused on the task at hand. 

The Role of Risk Assessment Templates

While not a replacement for RAMS software, for those businesses unable to fund software, RAMS templates can streamline the risk assessment process. By adopting a RAMS template, contractors can create documents that adhere to industry standards to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all persons involved in a task.RAMS templates are a helpful starter for 10 if the risk assessor doesn’t know the HSE’s ‘5 steps to risk assessment’, but if the risk assessor also needs help with the content and some suggestions to mitigate risks, RAMS templates are still not going to help. This is where RAMS software can help.   

The Merits of Using RAMS Templates

Offering a consistent approach, a RAMS template can help to maintain uniformity across projects and ensure adherence to safety standards.

Utilising templates like RAMS (Risk Assessment Method Statement) in Word format ensures sector-specific documentation, promoting workplace safety.

You can download a basic RAMS template from HandsHQ. Disclaimer: These templates do not constitute legal advice, and we offer no warranties or support for these templates. By downloading them you agree to the terms. 

A good RAMS template is only the start!  Download the RAMS template, but remember how you fill it out is important not only to get you on-site but to keep you and everyone else safe.

Carry out a thorough assessment to ensure you have considered what might cause harm and to whom, and think about any control measures you need to implement to minimise the risk of harm.

If you're struggling to complete your RAMS, try HandsHQ's risk assessment software.

The HSE website is also an excellent resource on how to write construction RAMS (risk assessments and method statements) if you are unsure.

Risk Assessment Method Statements (RAMS) form the bedrock of workplace safety, vital for a range of industries, particularly high-risk environments like construction. These comprehensive documents, encompassing risk assessments and method statements, drive proactive risk management, legal compliance, and employee welfare. By embracing sector-specific RAMS, organisations can elevate their safety practices, ensuring not only compliance but also a safer and more responsible work environment for all.